Need to contact us?

By telephone:

0141 644 4890

By email:

Opening Hours (Mon-Fri)

8:00am to 2:30pm

Our Environment

We provide a healthy, happy and positive environment.

We divide our time evenly between the indoor space and our nursery garden.

Outdoor Areas

Our garden is used every day and children have room to run and exercise their bodies and their imaginations. We grow our own vegetables and flowers and learn all about taking care of our environment. We can shelter and spend time in our polytunnel which is designed as an outdoor classroom.

Indoor Areas

Our indoor space is divided into areas covering all aspects of Curriculum for Excellence. This includes quiet areas where the children can relax when they want to.

Got a Question?

We understand it’s not always easy to contact us doing opening hours. If you leave us a message, one of the team will be in contact with you soon to carry on our conversation!